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All plants are grown and sold in a 100mm diameter pot
  • Agapanthus 'Blue Thunder'
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    Agapanthus 'Blue Thunder'

    Buy 1 for $13.00 / Buy 5 for $55.00

    Beautiful deep blue flowers on a compact plant to 45cm tall. We have grown 'Blue Thunder' for 5 years and have been very impressed. Through drought, flood, heat and cold (-6ºC) it has performed and flowered each year. There has been no self seeding which is a feature of the modern hybrids. Highly recommended. 

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  • Agapanthus 'Fireworks'
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    Agapanthus 'Fireworks'

    Buy 1 for $13.00 / Buy 5 for $55.00

    'Fireworks' is a most impressive form of Agapanthus. Dark purple and white two-toned flowers make a striking display through early Summer. Compact to 60cm tall. We planted this Agapanthus at the entrance to our local primary school which provides a stunning display for end of year school activities. Drought tolerant. 

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  • Agapanthus 'Poppin Purple' (PBR)
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    Agapanthus 'Poppin Purple' (PBR)
    Agapanthus 'Poppin Purple' (PBR)
    Agapanthus 'Poppin Purple' (PBR)

    Buy 1 for $13.00 / Buy 5 for $55.00

    'Poppin Purple' is a wonderful new evergreen dwarf Agapanthus to around 60cm including flowers. We have had it growing in our gravel garden for two years and found it to be a great performer. Contrasts well with any dwarf orange Agastache and silver foliage plants like Helichrysum italicum. The purple colour is superb and is definately more purple than blue. We found it can bleach a little on extremely hot days so it may prefer slightly less sun hours than we give it. 

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  • Agastache 'Blue Boa'
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    Agastache 'Blue Boa'

    Buy 1 for $13.00 / Buy 5 for $55.00

    'Blue Boa' is similar to 'Blue Fortune' in growth, but the flowers are distinctively darker in colour and with more volume. 75cm x 60cm. Combines beautifully with ornamental grasses, Achillea and Aster. Dry tolerant once established. Great bee and butterfly attracter. 

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  • Agastache 'Forever Summer Berry'
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    Agastache 'Forever Summer Berry'
    Agastache 'Forever Summer Berry'
    Agastache 'Forever Summer Berry'

    Buy 1 for $13.00 / Buy 5 for $55.00

    After growing both Melon and Tangerine in the Forever Summer series we have been very impressed with their form, flowering and general performance. 'Forever Summer Berry' is the third in the series and meets up with the standard set by the previous two. Flowering in vibrant pink with an orange tinge from Summer well into Autumn, 'Berry' is an excellent addition to our suite of Agastache. 75cm x 50cm. Full sun and well drained soil. 

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  • Agastache 'Sweet Lili'
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    Agastache 'Sweet Lili'

    Buy 1 for $13.00 / Buy 5 for $55.00

    Flowers are held aloft in an intriguing pink with a hint of apricot. To 1.2m in height. Flowers from late Spring until late Autumn. 'Sweet Lili' loves the heat of Summer but a little extra water during the hot periods have it looking its best. 1.2m x 0.6.m

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  • Agastache Mexicana Lemon Fiesta Perennials
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    Agastache Mexicana Lemon Fiesta Perennials

    Buy 1 for $13.00 / Buy 5 for $55.00

    Lemon butter tubular flowers with a hint of amber, makes this tough Mexican Agastache worth growing. Sun loving, foliage is mid green with a burgundy tinge to the underside of the leaves. Requires good drainage. Drought tolerant once established. Frost tolerant. 70cm x 70cm.

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  • Allium sphaerocephalon
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    Allium sphaerocephalon

    Buy 1 for $14.00 / Buy 5 for $60.00

    Commonly called the Drumstick Allium. A fantastic little burgundy flowered Allium that we have no problem growing in our climate (-7ºC to 45ºC). It pops up out of the ground in early Spring and flowers in November/December to around 60cm in height. The dark burgundy spherical flower heads contrast beautifully with ornamental grasses, Sedums and wispy perennials like Amsonia. 

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  • Amsonia hubrichtii (Arkansas Blue Star)
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    Amsonia hubrichtii (Arkansas Blue Star)
    Amsonia hubrichtii (Arkansas Blue Star)
    Amsonia hubrichtii (Arkansas Blue Star)

    Amsonia hubrichtii is one of our all time favourites and not easy to propagate therefore harder to find. Completely herbaceous in Winter which is then followed by rising stems of ferny foliage in early Spring. These stems are topped by the palest steely blue star shaped flowers. Summer has Amsonia hubrichtii with the appearance of a finely textured shrub with billowing foliage blowing in the slightest breeze. But it's Autumn that the Arkansas Blue Star stands out as it turns a stunning shade of golden yellow. A plant for all seasons! We have found Amsonia to be very tolerant of heat and drought in the Summer months and frost and cold tolerant in Winter. Very versatile. 90cm x 80cm at full maturity.

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  • Anemone x hybrida 'Fall in Love - Sweetly'
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    Anemone x hybrida 'Fall in Love - Sweetly'

    Buy 1 for $13.00 / Buy 5 for $55.00

    An Anemone hybrid that has been bred to bloom profusely over a longer period and spread much more slowly than the true species. Deep rose pink semi-double flowers are held on sturdy stems in early to mid Autumn. It is long lived! Prefers fertile humus rich soils that retain moisture but are free draining. 60cm high x 75cm wide. Perfect for growing in semi shade and underneath trees. 

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  • Anemone x hybrida 'Pure Elite White'
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    Anemone x hybrida 'Pure Elite White'
    Anemone x hybrida 'Pure Elite White'
    Anemone x hybrida 'Pure Elite White'

    Buy 1 for $12.00 / Buy 5 for $50.00

    This new variety of Anemone has clean crisp bright white single Anemone flowers with a ring of golden stamens at the centre. Deep green basal foliage gives rise to the superb flowers in late Summer and Autumn. 'Elite Pure White' is a more compact and floriferous variety than the standard and will reach a maximum height of 1.2m when in full bloom. Prefers semi shade and compost enriched free draining soil. 

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  • Aster (Symphyotricum) 'Eventide'
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    Aster (Symphyotricum) 'Eventide'
    Aster (Symphyotricum) 'Eventide'
    Aster (Symphyotricum) 'Eventide'

    Buy 1 for $14.00 / Buy 5 for $60.00

    Aster 'Eventide' sports an eye-catching explosion of lavender-purple flowers with a cheery yellow centre. Clusters of semi-double flowers are produced at the tips of branching stems and create a stunning display against the dark green foliage. Pairs nicely with grasses. 60-90cm high x 50cm wide.

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