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All plants are grown and sold in a 100mm diameter pot
  • Hesperaloe parviflora
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    Hesperaloe parviflora
    Hesperaloe parviflora
    Hesperaloe parviflora
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    Buy 1 for $14.00 / Buy 5 for $60.00

    We are a huge fan of this plant for numerous reasons: First, it's ability to handle extreme hot and dry conditions plus it handles frost no problem; Second, it's slender, arching evergreen blue-green foliage that forms a dense clump; Third, this plant is stunning when in flower during the Summer months with an elegant panicle of reddish pink flowers. An architecturally intriguing plant that makes an impact en masse or as a potted specimen. Full sun. Approx. 1 x 1m.

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  • Agastache 'Sweet Lili'
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    Agastache 'Sweet Lili'
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    Buy 1 for $13.00 / Buy 5 for $55.00

    Flowers are held aloft in an intriguing pink with a hint of apricot. To 1.2m in height. Flowers from late Spring until late Autumn. 'Sweet Lili' loves the heat of Summer but a little extra water during the hot periods have it looking its best. 1.2m x 0.6.m

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  • Echinacea purpurea 'Pow Wow' White
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    Echinacea purpurea 'Pow Wow' White

    Buy 1 for $13.00 / Buy 5 for $55.00

    This Coneflower is a high impact perennial. As the name may suggest it has been bred to produce upright well branched stems that result in more flowers per plant. Flowers have luminous golden yellow centres surrounded by a skirt of wide pure white petals. The compact habit lends itself to planting en masse as well as container culture. 60cm tall x 40cm wide. Prefers well drained average soils in full sun. 

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  • Tulbaghia 'John May Special'
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    Tulbaghia 'John May Special'
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    Buy 1 for $13.00/ Buy 5 for $55.00

    The biggest plant and the biggest flowers in the world of 'Society Garlics'. Really strong growth on a high performance plant. Grey-green strappy foliage to 60cm which is topped with mauve pink heads of Agapanthus style flowers. So good we prefer this plant to regular Tulbaghia violaceae which has been a mainstay in our plant stocks for over a decade.

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  • Agastache 'Forever Summer Berry'
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    Agastache 'Forever Summer Berry'
    Agastache 'Forever Summer Berry'
    Agastache 'Forever Summer Berry'
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    Buy 1 for $13.00 / Buy 5 for $55.00

    After growing both Melon and Tangerine in the Forever Summer series we have been very impressed with their form, flowering and general performance. 'Forever Summer Berry' is the third in the series and meets up with the standard set by the previous two. Flowering in vibrant pink with an orange tinge from Summer well into Autumn, 'Berry' is an excellent addition to our suite of Agastache. 75cm x 50cm. Full sun and well drained soil. 

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  • Echinacea Pow Wow Wild Berry
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    Echinacea Pow Wow Wild Berry
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    Buy 1 for $13.00 / Buy 5 for $55.00

    An outstanding performer, this Coneflower is a high impact perennial. As the name may suggest it has been bred to produce upright well branched stems that result in more flowers per plant. Deep pink to magenta flowers retain their colour as they mature. The compact habit lends itself to planting en masse as well as container culture. 60cm tall x 40cm wide. Prefers well drained average soils in full sun.

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  • Helenium Autumnale Zimbelstern  Perennials
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    Helenium Autumnale Zimbelstern  Perennials

    Buy 1 for $12.00/ Buy 5 for $50.00

    Helenium ‘Zimbelstern’, literally translated as “cymbal star” is one of the top-performing cultivars bred by the renowned German breeder, Karl Foerster. The flowers show a hint of apricot streaks on yellow petals which contrast beautifully with the cinnamon-brown cone. This is distinctively unique in the world of Heleniums. Requires average moisture and full sun. Summer flowering. Approx. 80cm high when flowering. 

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  • Ratibida columnifera 'Red Midget'
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    Ratibida columnifera 'Red Midget'
    Ratibida columnifera 'Red Midget'
    Ratibida columnifera 'Red Midget'
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    Buy 1 for $13.00 / Buy 5 for $55.00

    This plant is fun. Deep red mahogany flowers with a prominent central cone and petals that droop down make for a spectacular sight. It is long blooming, low maintenance and covered in blooms to 40cm in height. The foliage is mid green and finely cut. 'Red Midget' enjoys full sun and tolerates a wide range of soils. Grows really well in amongst smaller ornamental grasses. 

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  • Helenium Rubinzwerg
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    Helenium Rubinzwerg
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    Buy 1 for $12.00 / Buy 5 for $50.00.

    'Rubinzwerg' has received an Award of Garden Merit from the Royal Horticultural Society. Only the best of the best receive this award. The RHS description of the plant: "Masses of rich mahogany red flowers surrounding a green centre that matures to a dark chocolate brown and opens with a halo of golden anthers". 'Rubinzwerg' is a real delight and inspires us to revisit the Helenium beds several times a day when in flower. 75cm in height, 60cm in width. Heleniums grow in most soils except waterlogged clay, benefit from compost application and are both frost and heat tolerant. 

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  • Rudbeckia grandiflora 'Sundance'
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    Rudbeckia grandiflora 'Sundance'

    Buy 1 for $15.00 / Buy 5 for $65.00

    Commonly known as Rough Coneflower, this superb tall growing Rudbeckia is native to the western Mississippi valley. 'Sundance' is a new seed strain of R. grandiflora that doesn't need staking despite its height. Hairy stems, large coarse leaves and large golden blooms with dark brown eyes are characteristic of this drought tolerant species. Will reach up to 1.5m.

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  • Salvia yangii (syn. Perovskia atriplicifolia)
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    Salvia yangii (syn. Perovskia atriplicifolia)
    Salvia yangii (syn. Perovskia atriplicifolia)
    Salvia yangii (syn. Perovskia atriplicifolia)

    Buy 1 for $13.00 / Buy 5 for $55.00

    Commonly called Russian Sage. Best known for its silvery stems and aromatic deeply divided grey/silver foliage which in Summer is covered in lavender blue flowers. Frost and drought tolerant, this upright subshrub makes a formidable show when planted in drifts. Maximum height to 90cm. Prefers full sun and requires good drainage. Combines well with Rudbeckia and Sedum varieties. 

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  • Agastache Mexicana Lemon Fiesta Perennials
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    Agastache Mexicana Lemon Fiesta Perennials
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    Buy 1 for $13.00 / Buy 5 for $55.00

    Lemon butter tubular flowers with a hint of amber, makes this tough Mexican Agastache worth growing. Sun loving, foliage is mid green with a burgundy tinge to the underside of the leaves. Requires good drainage. Drought tolerant once established. Frost tolerant. 70cm x 70cm.

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