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All plants are grown and sold in a 100mm diameter pot
  • Echinacea Sombrero® Flamenco Orange
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    Echinacea Sombrero® Flamenco Orange

    Buy 1 for $13.00 / Buy 5 for $55.00

    The new Sombrero® series of Coneflowers is stronger, bushier and free flowering. Blooming from late Spring through into Autumn, Sombrero® Echinaceas provide a wonderful show. 'Flamenco' boasts vibrant orange flowers with a reddish brown cone. 50cm x 50cm. Prefers well drained humus rich soil in full sun. 

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  • Echinacea Sombrero® Granada Gold
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    Echinacea Sombrero® Granada Gold

    Buy 1 for $13.00 / Buy 5 for $55.00

    All the Echinacea Sombrero® series are well branched, sturdy plants that bulk up quickly with a high flower. Great as garden specimens, container plants or as a cut flower. 'Granada Gold' has a golden central cone and golden yellow surrounding petals forming a skirt around the cone. Flowers are large in size and number. 50-60cm in height and flowers for much of Summer. Continues into Autumn spent flower spikes add interest through Winter months. 

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  • Echinacea Sombrero® Hot Coral
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    Echinacea Sombrero® Hot Coral
    Echinacea Sombrero® Hot Coral
    Echinacea Sombrero® Hot Coral

    Buy 1 for $13.00 / Buy 5 for $55.00

    Compact in habit, with mass flowering on dark green foliage 'Hot Coral' is a proven landscape performer. 60cm in height, the Sombrero series Echinacea are superior as they are vegetatively propagated, not seed grown. Therefore giving consistency of form, sturdiness and bushier with freer flowering. 

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  • Echinacea Sombrero® Salsa Red
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    Echinacea Sombrero® Salsa Red

    Buy 1 for $13.00 / Buy 5 for $55.00

    The new Sombrero® series of Coneflowers is stronger, bushier and free flowering. Blooming from late Spring through into Autumn, Sombrero® Echinaceas provide a wonderful show. Just like the name, 'Salsa' implies, the colour of this Echinacea is spicy red. 50cm x 50cm. Prefers well drained humus rich soil in full sun. 

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  • Echinacea Sombrero® Sangrita
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    Echinacea Sombrero® Sangrita

    Buy 1 for $13.00 / Buy 5 for $55.00

    The new Sombrero® series of Coneflowers is stronger, bushier and free flowering. Blooming from late Spring through into Autumn, Sombrero® Echinaceas provide a wonderful show. Orange base flowers that mature to a warm red. Similar in colour to 'tomato sauce'. 50cm x 50cm. Prefers well drained humus rich soil in full sun. 

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  • Echinacea tennesseensis 'Rocky Top'
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    Echinacea tennesseensis 'Rocky Top'

    Buy 1 for $14.00 / Buy 5 for 60.00

    A very different coneflower!! Tennessee coneflower bears flowers beautifully shaded in a blend of pink and rose-purple. Unusually the petal's are inverse to other Echinacea which reflex backwards. It is a dainty and refined flower which blooms over a longer period than many coneflower. It withstands periods of dry and thrives in average soils. Frost hardy. 75cm x 40cm. Makes a long lasting cut flower. 

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  • Echinops ritro
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    Echinops ritro

    Echinops ritro


    Buy 1 for $13.00 / Buy 5 for $55.00

    Blue Globe Thistle is a fabulous looking plant. Late Summer and early Autumn it produces prickly blue balls that stand well above the foliage. Combines well with ornamental grasses, Achillea, Agastache and Salvia. Also provides a great contrast to clipped silver foliage shrubs like Helichrysum, Santolina and Teucrium.

    Drainage is the key. Our gravel garden provides excellent drainage where the plants reach full size (1.2m). We previously had them in soil with a high clay content where the plants were stunted and lacked good flowering. 

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  • Eryngium planum 'Silver Salentino'
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    Eryngium planum 'Silver Salentino'

    Buy 1 for $12.00 / Buy 5 for $50.00.

    Attractive mid green basal rosettes which are the main structure of the plant for most of the year. The flowers arise to 80cm above the basal rosette in late Spring and Summer. Globular heads of snowy white, tinged with a hint of metallic blue make for a floral statement amongst any plant combination. We like to leave the dead heads on the plants after flowering. This way we ensure a little self-seeding in and around original plant increasing our clump size. Somewhat drought tolerant once established. 20cm x 80cm in flower. Prefers well drained soils and full sun.

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  • Eryngium yuccifolium
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    Eryngium yuccifolium
    Eryngium yuccifolium
    Eryngium yuccifolium
    Eryngium yuccifolium

    Buy 1 for $13.00 / Buy 5 for $55.00 

    Commonly known as "Rattlesnake Master". A fantastic common name. Thin, slightly spiny, glaucous foliage gives rise to silver white thistle like flowers to around 1m in height. Prefers a free draining sunny position. Tolerates dry and gravelly poorer soils. Our boundary garden contains many of these Eryngiums as we love the architectural contrast. Grows well with Rudbeckia, Echinacea, Sedums and Ornamental Grasses. Also makes a wonderful cut flower. 

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  • Fuchsia 'Tom West'
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    Fuchsia 'Tom West'

    Buy 1 for $14.00 / Buy 5 for $60.00

    We don't generally have Fuchsias in our collection but have made an exception here. This is a remarkable Fuchsia, as the foliage itself provides ample interest - an elixir for anyone who has an interest in variegated foliage. Brilliant in hanging baskets or containers, contrasting with the foliage of most other plants. Also makes a show in partially shaded gardens 'Tom West' is a very old variety but carries forward much appeal. 

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  • Gaillardia aristata 'Amber Wheels'
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    Gaillardia aristata 'Amber Wheels'

    This plant is currently unavailable

    Deep Red centres that are surrounded by large frilled deep yellow/amber petals make this variety of Gaillardia a stand out. This is an extremely showy and long lived cultivar. Drought tolerant, full sun to part shade. 60 x 60cm. 

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  • Gaillardia Mesa™ Peach
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    Gaillardia Mesa™ Peach

    Buy 1 for $13.00 / Buy 5 for $55.00

    Mesa™ Peach is a vigorous, upright growing, well branched perennial. It has excellent heat and drought tolerance and flowers won't fade in the sun. Blooming begins in mid Summer and continues well into Autumn. The large flowers are bicolour - golden yellow and peach with a green and peach coloured centre. Grows up to 40cm in height. 

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