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Amsonia hubrichtii (Arkansas Blue Star)


Amsonia hubrichtii (Arkansas Blue Star)


Amsonia hubrichtii is one of our all time favourites and not easy to propagate therefore harder to find. Completely herbaceous in Winter which is then followed by rising stems of ferny foliage in early Spring. These stems are topped by the palest steely blue star shaped flowers. Summer has Amsonia hubrichtii with the appearance of a finely textured shrub with billowing foliage blowing in the slightest breeze. But it's Autumn that the Arkansas Blue Star stands out as it turns a stunning shade of golden yellow. A plant for all seasons! We have found Amsonia to be very tolerant of heat and drought in the Summer months and frost and cold tolerant in Winter. Very versatile. 90cm x 80cm at full maturity.