Autumn Plant Release

After the wettest Summer we can remember, many plants in the garden have reached beyond their normal growth. We live in remarkable times, as it seems like it was just yesterday when we had the opposite - drought, fires and very little growth in plants through Summer. To give an example: In 2019/20 we had 5cm extension growth on our Snow Pears. In 2021/22 we have had 85cm extension growth on the same trees. We are never quite sure what comes next and predictions vary from drier to a continuation of wet.
Despite the uncertainty we continue our production of plants, many of which have a wide tolerance of all climate possibilities. Here is a selection just added to our website.
Rudbeckia grandiflora 'Sundance'
Commonly known as Rough Coneflower, this tall growing Rudbeckia is native to the western Mississippi valley. 'Sundance' is a new seed strain of R. grandiflora that doesn't need staking despite its height. Hairy stems, large coarse leaves and large golden blooms with dark brown eyes are characteristic of this drought tolerant species. Will reach up to 1.5m.
Deschampsia cespitosa 'Pixie Fountain'
'Pixie Fountain' is a dwarf variety of Deschampsia cespitosa. Forming an evergreen tight clump of narrow, dark green leaves with feathery panicles of silvery-purple flowers on arching stems in Summer. Excellent in shadier area in the garden. Fully frost hardy Deschampsia is able to withstand temperature down to -15ºC. The plants are tolerant of a range of moisture as long as it is not waterlogged. Perform best and flowers most in cooler climates. In warmer climates, it needs semi-shade and moist conditions otherwise flower production may be reduced.
Sambucus 'Black Tower'
A new variety of Black Elder which has strongly upright columnar form to 2.5m high x 1m wide. New olive green foliage becomes intense dark burgundy. Large pink flower heads in Summer followed by blackish red berries. Requires well drained soil and full sun to part shade. Deciduous.
Teucrium scorodonia
A botanically unusual low spreading mound forming evergreen perennial with apple green suede textured foliage. The edges of the leaves are rough and crinkled similar to sage. In Summer spikes of pale yellow/cream flowers add further interest. 30cm high x 60cm wide. Best in half sun or semi-shade.
Miscanthus sinensis 'Adagio'
A superior fine textured selection. We have this grass planted down the entire 40m length of our driveway. Brutal weather conditions last Summer didn't warrant any extra water for this tough plant. It just kept on performing. Red tints in the flowers and strong yellow autumn foliage add extra interest to this already stunning grass.
Poa labillardieri 'Suggan Buggan'
Beautiful silver blue upright foliage is this native grass' main feature. We've loved this grass ever since we acquired it over 10 years ago. It can reach over 150cm in good soil, less in poorer soils. Tough.
Hibiscus syriacus 'Double Pale Pink'
Hibiscus syriacus grow particularly well in our climate in Gloucester, NSW. We get anything from very hot and dry to very wet and humid in Summer, to -5 in Winter. Clay is the base for all our soils. Hibiscus syriacus 'Double Pale Pink' is vase shaped to 2 metres maximum in height and deciduous. Soft pale pink flowers cover the bush through Summer and into Autumn. A real eye catcher.
Salvia 'Blue Abyss'
Similar but smaller than Salvia 'Anthony Parker' but with a strong vivid blue flower and darker velvet calyces with its parentage being Salvia leucanthe. It is robust and remarkably tolerant of heat and dry conditions. 1m x 1m.
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