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All our plants are grown outdoors in 100mm pots, ensuring they are hardy and well-adapted to natural conditions. 
  • Lavandula x intermedia 'Grosso'
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    Lavandula x intermedia 'Grosso'
    Lavandula x intermedia 'Grosso'
    Lavandula x intermedia 'Grosso'

    Buy 1 for $13.00 / Buy 5 for $55.00

    Lavender is not what we normally make available for purchase online. However this small batch of 'Grosso' is an exception. We grow a few Lavender in our gravel garden of which 'Grosso' is the only Summer flowering form. It is superbly even in growth making almost perfect spheres. Bred in France in 1972. Dark violet flowers are produced evenly across the plant. Favoured by Lavender farms for its high oil production, stunning appearance and ease of harvest. Requires full sun and good drainage. 80cm x 80cm. The photo was taken at Wanaka Lavender Farm.

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  • Olea europaea 'Garden Harvest' close up of foliage
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    Olea europaea 'Garden Harvest' close up of foliage
    Olea europaea 'Garden Harvest' close up of foliage
    Olea europaea 'Garden Harvest' hedge planting

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    An excellent dwarf Olive. Perfect for hedging where the foliage reaches all the way to the ground. We have it planted surrounding our driveway and it gets many comments. Can be kept clipped 1 x 1m, or grown to 2.5m high. Tough for coastal or inland areas. Frost tolerant. Makes an excellent table olive. 

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  • Sarcoccoca confusa
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    Sarcoccoca confusa

    Buy 1 for $14.00 / Buy 5 for $60.00

    Sarcococca confusa is an easily grown low maintenance shrub which thrives in shady conditions, even damp shade. It has deep green glossy foliage with a wavy margin which can be clipped into a hedge. The aromatic white flowers are fairly inconspicuous but the fragrance fills the air giving rise to the common name 'Sweet Box'. Once established 'Sweet Box' is tolerant to dry conditions. Although it is fairly slow growing, Sarcococca confusa is very rewarding over time. Pest free. 1.2 - 1.5m high if left unpruned.

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  • Viburnum plicatum 'Pink Beauty'
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    Viburnum plicatum 'Pink Beauty'

    Buy 1 for $14.00 / Buy 5 for $60.00

    'Pink Beauty' is a lace-cap Viburnum with flowers that open white and age to pink. It is a beautiful medium sized deciduous shrub that prefers enriched friable soil and a full sun position. It will grow and flower in half shade but the best 'pink' is achieved with a good sunny spot. 2.5m x 2.5m. Autumn foliage ranges from yellow orange to pretty plum purple depending on how cold the air temperature is in Autumn. 

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  • Viburnum rhytidophyllum
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    Viburnum rhytidophyllum

    Buy 1 for $14.00 / Buy 5 for $60.00

    Also known as Leatherleaf Viburnum. Coarsely textured, heavily veined dark green foliage with bronze grey undersides. Fuzzy golden brown stems are a distinguishing feature. Creamy white clusters of showy flowers appear in Spring. Can be grown as a feature, in a mixed shrub border or as an interesting hedge. Viburnum rhytidophyllum grows to 3m and is evergreen. They respond well to creative maintenance and can handle some shade.

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  • Viburnum x burkwoodii 'Anne Russell'
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    Viburnum x burkwoodii 'Anne Russell'

    Buy 1 for $14.00 / Buy5 for $60.00

    Intriguing khaki green foliage supports richly fragrant white flowers that emerge from pink tinged buds. A superb hybrid Viburnum to 1.5m. Prefers moisture retentive fertile soil. Wonderful Autumn tones to the foliage. Deciduous shrub. 

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  • Vitex agnus-castus
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    Vitex agnus-castus


    Buy 1 for $12.00 / Buy 5 for $50.00.

    Native to the Mediterranean this plant is long believed to be an anaphrodisiac leading to its common name - Chaste Tree, but its effectiveness remains unproven. A deciduous shrub which flowers lavender purple spires in mid-Summer. Grows to around 3m x 3m. Remarkably hardy handling  -20℃ and heat tolerant. Requires a little additional water in dry times. Beautiful. 

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