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Carissa macrocarpa 'Desert Star'


Carissa macrocarpa 'Desert Star'


Buy 1 for $14.00 / Buy 5 for $60.00

Carissa 'Desert Star' has a few common names in its native South Africa. Amatungulu is its Zulu name, otherwise it is referred to as Num-Num or Natal Plum. It is incredibly tough, drought resistant and easy to grow, although it doesn't appreciate frost. 'Desert Star' has large leathery, glossy, dark green leaves and wonderfully scented star-like white flowers. Red fruits are produced intermittently and are edible. It also has some Y-shaped thorns but these are greatly reduced in comparison to the original species. 'Desert Star' makes a very attractive hedge or specimen plant and is easily clipped to shape. Great for coastal conditions. Reaches to 1.5m x 1m wide.