Echium virescens
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After trying and failing to grow Echium candicans numerous times in different positions, we nearly gave up on Echium altogether. That is until we changed to a different species. The frost blackened and killed E. candicans where as E. virescens will handle harsh overnight frost. There is a compromise on colour if you are wanting strong blue flowers as E. virescens is more a lilac to pink colour. Echium virescens is still a stunning plant in full flower in early Spring and reaches a height and width of 2m. Drought tolerant, but it won't handle excess water.
Eryngium agavifolium
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Sharply toothed, but still relatively soft, crisp green strap-like foliage provides a wonderful foliage contrast. Often grown just for its foliage. In late Summer and early Autumn green spears appear through the foliage and rise to 1-1.5m with greenish white thimble shaped thistle like flowers. Unique in many ways, Eryngium agavifolium mixes well with ornamental grasses, sedums and agapanthus. Requires good winter drainage.
Eucomis comosa 'Oakhurst'
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Eucomis are bulbous perennials forming a large basal rosette of strap-shaped leaves, with an upright stem bearing a dense raceme of star-shaped flowers appearing in Summer and Autumn. Endemic to the Eastern Cape province in South Africa, 'Oakhurst' was introduced by Terra Nova Nurseries. A dramatic cultivar with large purple foliage and a spectacular inflorescence with a pineapple-like array of greenish-mauve star-like flowers. Perfect planted in a mixed border or in a pot with good drainage. Full sun to part shade. Approx. 80cm-1m tall.
Geranium 'Silver Cloak'
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A hybrid between G. robustum and G. incanum. Both are South African species. This hybrid is an exceptional plant. Makes a wonderful ground covering carpet of highly divided silver grey foliage with dainty lavender mauve flowers with purple veins. The softness of the filigree foliage disguises the tough nature of the plant. Thrives in our recent very hot and dry weather. Handles frost to -5℃ here as well. Needs a well drained soil with plenty of sunshine. 45cm x 60cm.
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With large butter yellow daisy like flowers upon lush green foliage, Helenium 'Pumilum Magnificum' is an eye catcher in any garden. A maximum height of 70cm this variety has been in cultivation since the 19th century. Flowering in mid Summer through to Autumn. Requires good soil, full sun and adequate moisture to perform at its best. The longevity of this variety in cultivation is proof of its value in the garden.
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'My Reggae Tiger' is the essential orange daylily. Bred by Dutch specialist nursery, Heemskerk and registered in 2006, it is all orange - a rich fiery flame of colour in the garden. Provides 4-6 weeks of colour on strappy deep green leaves. Prefers moist humus rich soil but will tolerate tougher environments. Handles heat and extreme cold. 60cm x 60cm.
Hesperaloe parviflora
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We are a huge fan of this plant for numerous reasons: First, it's ability to handle extreme hot and dry conditions plus it handles frost no problem; Second, it's slender, arching evergreen blue-green foliage that forms a dense clump; Third, this plant is stunning when in flower during the Summer months with an elegant panicle of reddish pink flowers. An architecturally intriguing plant that makes an impact en masse or as a potted specimen. Full sun. Approx. 1 x 1m.
Iris japonica 'Variegata'
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A plant we have grown consistently for 25 years. Easily grown, Japanese Iris prefers semi shade and compost enriched soil. Adequate moisture will ensure quick growth. The white striped leaves brighten up any shaded space. Variegated Iris japonica contrasts well with Ajuga 'Catlins Giant', Ruscus hypoglossum, Plectranthus and Helleborus. Pretty ruffled blue and white flowers appear occasionally on 60cm spikes in early Spring. 45cm in height.
Kniphofia 'Poco Orange'
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'Poco Orange' is a dwarf Poker to 50cm high. Flowers are produced in profusion through Summer. Very pleasing burnt orange torch like flowers grab attention in the garden. Make a great container plant or front planting in larger gardens. Mass plant for maximum impact. Requires full sun, good drainage, enriched mulched soil and a little additional watering in dry times.
Melianthus major
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Growing up in South Africa, Melianthus major gives many childhood memories. The peanut butter fragrance of the leaves, the unusual blue green serrated foliage, and the large copper chains of fragrant flowers are all distinguishing features. It grew in many of the gardens in my neighbourhood. As a plant, Melianthus major really impresses. It is very low in maintenance requirements and unpruned reaches 2.5m. A bold statement in the garden and certainly handsome. Iron tough!
Neomarica caerulea
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Stunning rich indigo blue iris-like flowers that appear in waves through late Spring and early Summer are the reason to grow this plant. Whether it is mass planted or a single planting, this Neomarica will not fail to impress. Architectural green-grey foliage adds to the appeal of this drought tolerant Mexican native. Foliage to 1m, flowers to 1.5m.
Nepeta Nova® 'Blue'
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An early flowering new form of Catmint from Terra Nova Nurseries. Captivating bright lavender purple flowers rise above distinctive sweet scented foliage. Happy in sandy, stoney, gravelly or poor soils and enjoys drier conditions. However, soils that are prone to water logging will quickly suffocate Nepeta. Prune back after flowering for a repeat performance. 10cm high x 60cm wide. Excellent ground cover or container plant - works well in a hanging basket.